Serving the Intelligence Community and DOD for over 30 years…
RDR understands the complete lifecycle of the "business" of government, from both the customer's perspective and required outcome. From this vantage point, we provide enterprise-wide & Interagency IT and systems service solutions to align with your business objectives, people and processes to maximize performance.
Our Approach
Service engineering rather than only systems engineering. No matter the task, we focus on end-to-end performance and not only on individual system components. We aim to deliver seamless service to the end user, whether that requires integrating old and often disparate technology or inserting new technologies. The result is simply an organization with both people and processes empowered by technology, ready for the future.

Information Technology & Systems Engineering
IT Lifecycle Management
Requirements and Architecture alternatives
Systems Integration and Architecture Design
Modeling, Simulation and Mission Utility Analysis
Integrated Logistics
Concept of Operations
Standards and Technology Forecasting
Interface Specifications
Configuration Management
Independent Verification and Validation
Information Systems Security Engineering
Enterprise Administrative Services
Security Officers
Personnel Security Officers
Information System Security Officers/Managers/ Engineers
Action Officers
Executive & Administrative Assistants
Security Administrative Specialists
Contract Administrators
Contract Support Assistants
Program Control / Budget & Resource Analysts
Technology Insertion & Operations Integration
Rapid Prototyping
COTS Integration
Transition Planning
Capabilities Assessments
Processes Analysis & Definition
Tools assessments for system transition
Agile Execution
Modeling and simulation
End-to-end Integration
Operational Walk-Through
Enterprise Content Management
SharePoint Design and Development
Program & Project Management
Acquisition & Contract Strategy
Enterprise Resource Planning
Financial Audit Reporting & Accounting Support
IT Strategy & Advisory
Policy Review/Analysis & Development
Program Control & Oversight
OMB Circular A-123 and OMB 300 SMEs
Travel Services Support
Records Management